Jo Oct 17, 2023

Han Un Chol, a researcher at the Science Engineering Institute, studied the structural influence of a connection block on the pressure impulse generated by the detonator and transmitted to a large number of shock tubes via a numerical simulation by using ANSYS AUTODYN code.

He employed two modes of connection block for initiating a bundle of shock tubes for his numerical simulations and experiments: One is a lateral initiation mode widely used in blasting practice, in which each shock tube surrounds the detonator, extending in parallel to the axis of the detonator body. The other is a frontal initiation mode where entrances of shock tubes are aligned at certain distances from the firing end of the detonator.

He compared the strength of a pressure impulse within the shock tubes numerically obtained for frontal initiation mode with that for lateral initiation mode.

Then, for frontal initiation mode, he observed the relationship between structural factors such as strength of a pressure impulse, materials and thickness of connector block bodies, and standoff distance between the firing end of the detonator and the inlets of shock tube.

The results showed that his study is useful for designing connector blocks of a frontal initiation mode for simultaneously initiating a large number of shock tubes.

His paper was presented in the 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies.