Jo Dec 22, 2023

Hydrofoil craft have been continuously built and used for various purposes because of their high speed performance, and many experimental investigations and theoretical researches have been made for the development of them. Shallowly immersed hydrofoils near free surface have large lift-drag ratio and their structure is rather simple. These hydrofoils are applied to many hydrofoil craft with Tandem hydrofoils. In order to apply Tandem hydrofoil system, the interaction between hydrofoils and the stability of vertical plane motion should be solved.

Jang Tong Hyon, a researcher at the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering, has built a mathematical model of finite hydrofoil near free surface by using horseshoe vortex lattice method and proposed another equation for determining the lift coefficients of hydrofoils by using this model.

This equation is convenient for differentiation and integral with respect to the immersed depth of hydrofoils. Therefore, it needs no model tests to calculate the very approximate lift coefficients of the hydrofoils and it can effectively be applied to designing Tandem hydrofoil craft with stability of vertical plane motion. He verified it by applying it to designing and building hydrofoil craft without any model tests.