Jo Jan 8, 2024

Seed mutagenesis can be classified into cross-breeding and artificial mutagenesis.

Crossing, a technique for producing new varieties of seeds by crossing seeds in different genera, species and varieties requires a lot of time and labor although it is cheap.

Artificial mutation, a technique that activates mutagens in seeds, takes less time and labor and it does not cost much to make a device for it. But its drawback is that mutant seeds reveal low availability.

Another artificial mutation method is based on transgenic technique. It is excellent because target genes are injected, but it is very expensive and complicated.

Therefore, Kang Myong Hyok, a researcher at the Faculty of Physical Engineering, based on the analysis of the physical factors of mutation, has developed a device that can serve as a mutagen with simultaneous action of more than two physical factors.

The physical factors he applied are pulsed high-voltage electric field that can change electrical properties of living organisms, shock wave that can momentarily provide energy strong enough to destroy cell membranes, and strong ionization field to make the surrounding environment a strong active field from an inert field stabilized in the growth activity.

He also obtained experimental results for determining suitable operation parameters necessary for mutation.