Jo Mar 13, 2024

Laser cutting, which is one of the laser machining technologies, has been widely used in industrial production due to its good processing flexibility, high quality, high cutting speed, high precision and high production rate.

In order to ensure high quality in laser cutting, not only the appropriate process parameters (laser power, focal position, cutting speed, type and pressure of assist gas, etc.) must be set, but the stand-off distance between a work piece and a cutting head has to be kept at a fixed distance.

An Chol Min, a section head at the Faculty of Physical Engineering, has built a precise mathematical model of a truncated cone-shaped capacitive sensor based on the theory related to the electrostatic field and the properties of conductors and dielectrics in the field. He has also proposed limitations and suppositions to get a unique solution of the capacitance while analyzing the model by MATLAB, and verified the correctness of the model through experiments.

The theoretical analysis and the experiments show that the truncated cone sensor has much higher sensitivity than a parallel-plate sensor in laser cutting.