Bundle-series initiation is currently used as a method for simultaneously transmitting blast signals from a detonator to a large number of shock tubes for blasting using shock tubes and its initiation modes affect the ability and reliability of signal transmission.
For building demolition and tunneling blasting, over 50, even 100 lines of shock tubes must be simultaneously initiated by a detonator. In the meantime, a large number of shock tubes often cause initiation failures. Therefore, for shock tubes, blasting system must have not only high ability of blast signal transmission (or initiation) but also high reliability of the signal transmission on shock tubes. The methods of bundle-series initiating a large number of shock tubes are subject to possible failure modes where the ability and reliability of signal transmission on each shock tube can be strongly affected by the coupling mode of a detonator and the number of shock tubes.
To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports in the literature regarding the experiments and numerical simulation to predict or estimate the dynamic blast load and the initiating probability according to the coupling structure of a detonator with many shock tubes.
Choe Yong Chol, a researcher at the Faculty of Mining Engineering, has studied the structural influence of initiation modes on the pressure impulse generated by a detonator and transmitted to the bundle of a large number of shock tubes and the signal transmission probability, and proved the advantage of frontal bundle-series initiating mode over lateral bundle-series initiating mode.
He confirmed that the numerically obtained pressure impulse for a bundle of shock tubes shows a good correlation with the experimentally obtained signal transmission probability of a bundle of shock tubes for a variety of bundle-series initiation modes of shock tubes.
You can find further details in his paper “Influence of Initiation Modes in the Bundle-Series Initiation of a Large Number of Shock Tubes by Detonators” in “Shock and Vibration” (SCI).
© 2021 Kim Chaek University of Technology