Jo Jun 2, 2024

Under the great love and benevolence of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), a general experimental education hall composed of tens of modern laboratories equipped with advanced experimental arrangements was built at Kim Chaek University of Technology (KUT).

With the total floor space of thousands of square meters, it has 46 kinds of up-to-date equipment including those for experiments on flexible production and Internet of Things, and 35 kinds of self-made ones including a comprehensive experimental device for sea-bottom minerals.

Open experiment and practice is introduced in this hall in line with the global trend of educational development. Here, the lecturers, researchers and students are allowed to do any experiments and practice needed at any time. It will provide a solid foundation on which the university can further speed up the project to build itself into a university of research and the most prestigious university while realizing the integration of education, scientific research and production together with the bases for experiment and practice at the faculties and the Mirae Sci-tech Center.

The opening ceremony was held on April 14.

Present there were Kim Sung Du, minister of Education, and the officials, teaching staff and students of the university.

KUT President Pak Ji Min delivered an opening address.

He said:

The opening ceremony of KUT General Experimental Education Hall is being held at a time when all the people of the country are dynamically stepping up the general advance for accelerating the overall development period of Korean-style socialism, by turning out for implementing the decision of the 9th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK.

The university, by making the most of the experimental arrangements, should wage dynamic campaigns of brains and research to solve scientific and technological problems arising in the major fields for the development of the national economy and the improvement of the people’s living standard.

All the officials, teaching staff and students should, bearing in mind the great trust and expectation of the Party that put forward KUT as a revolutionary university and the eldest son university of the country, exert all their wisdom and passion on the sacred struggle for the comprehensive development and prosperity of the country.

After the ceremony the participants looked around the general experimental education hall.