Jo Jun 5, 2024

A research team led by Kim Mun Hui, a researcher at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, has developed a small wind power generation system (SWPGS) for producing maximum power using a permanent magnet generator with two coils.

The generator with two coils ensures not only higher efficiency but also lower expense of the SWPGS than that with one coil, because it can automatically make the load curve more closely approach to the maximum power characteristic curve of a wind turbine without any control circuits.

The system consists of a three-blade horizontal axis wind turbine, a permanent magnet generator (PMG) with two coils, a rectifier, a battery, a load, etc.

PMG with two coils ensures higher accuracy of power control than that with one coil.

In the PMG, only the first coil works at low wind speed, and if the wind speed becomes higher, the second coil works, too.

As a result, the power generation system is driven at its maximum power because it is able to steadily approximate the load curve to the maximum power curve of the wind turbine.

Thus, this system can produce more electric power from the same wind resources in low wind speed areas.