Jo Jun 25, 2024

The genus Sinamia currently comprises about 8 species, all recorded in China.

Sinamia zdanskyi was first described by Stensiö, and subsequently, a great number of Sinamia were found in Gansu, Shannxi, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia around the Ordos Plateau.

A new specimen of Sinamiidae was collected from the Upper Cretaceous Seson Formation, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is similar to Sinamia liaoningensis in the shape of the more arched preopercle, relatively smaller size of the infraorbitals, more caudal fin rays, more scale rows between the origin of the anal fin and the dorsal margin of the body, and lack of serrated scales.

This discovery not only extends the geographic distribution of sinamiids, but also fills a blank in the sinamiid study in the DPRK.

You can find more information in the essay by Kim Pyong Song, an institute head at the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, “First Occurrence of Sinamia (Amiiformes, Sinamiidae) from the Upper Cretaceous Seson Formation, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” in “Cretaceous Research” (SCI).