To raise the speed and accuracy of displacement retrieval by overcoming the weakness of time-consuming parameter estimation and complex displacement retrieval algorithm is very important in improving the real-time quality of measurement.
Kim Il Hyok, a student at the Faculty of Physical Engineering, has proposed a new method for parameter estimation and displacement retrieval which does not require complex normalization and is of high precision of displacement retrieval and incomparably less time-consuming than existing data fitting based methods.
It is a high-speed and high-precision method of displacement reconstruction based on data-fitting method in the near-half-fringe zone collaborating with the fringe-counting method. The method proposed is applicable to any optical feedback level and to any motion. The method provides the fastest estimation and the highest precision of displacement retrieval. Its displacement reconstruction error is less than 16nm and its estimation speed is over 30 times as fast as conventional methods.
You can find the details in his paper “Betterment of displacement retrieval method based on data fitting in near-half-fringe zone” in “Applied optics” (SCI).
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