Jo Aug 30, 2024

Stress sensitivity and the elastic outer boundary (EOB) condition have a great effect on the analysis of the characteristics of fluid flow in a reservoir. When analyzing the characteristics of fluid flow, researchers considered the stress sensitivity and the EOB condition separately, not simultaneously. Therefore, errors were inevitable during the analysis of well testing.

Kim Song Chol, a section head at the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, has established a well-testing model for the DPR, considering the stress sensitivity and the EOB condition simultaneously and presented its semianalytical solution.

First, on the basis of the consideration of the EOB condition and stress sensitivity of permeability (SSP), he built a seepage model for the DPR with the EOB by considering wellbore storage and skin. To solve this model, he changed a nonlinear partial differential equation into a linear form by introducing an effective well radius and applying Pedrosa’s transformation and perturbation transformation. Then, by applying the Laplace transformation, he obtained an analytical solution in the Laplace space, and by numerically inverting it, he obtained a solution in the real space, thus drawing the curves of pressure and pressure derivative (PPD).

By comparing the proposed model with the one with the EOB without consideration of SSP, he verified its effectiveness.

For more information, please refer to his paper “Well-Testing Model for Dual-Porosity Reservoir considering Stress-Sensitivity and Elastic Outer Boundary Condition” in “Geofluids” (SCI).