Jo May 7, 2018
The 33rd National Festival of Science and Technology was held at the hall of new technology of the Three-Revolution Exhibition House from April 23 to May 4.
Kim Chaek University of Technology presented more than 30 proposals selected from its sci-tech festival last February.
The festival drew a special attention of lecturers, researchers and postgraduate students as it opened in this significant year that marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK and the university.
In the festival, two proposals including “Vacuum pressure impregnation process (VPI) by Pak Kil Hung, a department chief of the Electric Engineering Faculty, took the top place, 12 proposals including “Plasma-based environment improving technology” by Ri Thae Nam, a department chief of the Physical Engineering Faculty, won the first place and 11 proposals including “Several types of fractional non-linear chaos simulation systems” by Ro Won Myong, a department chief of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, came second. Most of the proposals entered the rankings.
Jo May 6, 2018
The 10th Mathematical Modelling Contest of the University was held from April 30 to May 5.
The contest, which drew over 90 students in 31 teams selected from colleges and faculties, took place in the way of examining excellent answers from each unit.
Jong Hyong Il, An Jin Su and Hyon Jin Song from the College of Information Science &Technology won the contest. Jang Kum Chol, Jo Kuk Jin and Kim Ji Hyon from the Faculty of Automation Engineering finished runners-up and Kim Jin Il, Ri Kang Hyok and O Yon A from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics came third.
They owed their success to Jong Myong Guk, lecturer in the Department of Information Processing at the College of Information Science & Technology, Kim Ju Hyong, head of research lab of bio-control engineering of the Faculty of Automation Engineering, and O Chol Won, lecturer in the Deaprtment of Numeral Mathematics at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, who devoted time and energy to their education.
Jo Apr 20, 2018
We are glad to announce that the International Scientific Conference for celebrating the 70th anniversary of Kim Chaek University of Technology (KUT) will be held on September 18-21, 2018, in Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
KUT trains excellent personnel who will play their part in developing the country’s different branches of science and technology.
KUT was founded on September 27 Juche 37 (1948) thanks to President
“KUT International Conference for the 70th Foundation Anniversary” (hereafter KUTIC70) aims to help stimulate the development of education, science, and economy worldwide by providing a chance to share recent achievements made in different fields of science and technology with international colleagues.
KUTIC70 will mainly focus on such fields as geoscience and mining, metallurgy and material science, machinery and energy engineering, information communication and automatic control, measurement and analysis, and information science.
During the conference, there will be oral presentations and poster exhibition by the invited prestigious academic experts at home and abroad. The accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings, and put into the databases of KUT E-library and Sci-Tech Complex (DPRK) to be disseminated.
The participants will be provided with opportunities to visit landmarks and scenic attractions in Pyongyang.
We warmly welcome educators and scientists at home and abroad in KUTIC70, and expect to share their own valuable experiences and knowledge by presenting cutting-edge achievements and novel ideas in different sci-tech fields.
Thank you.
Jo Apr 17, 2018
On the occasion of the Day of the Sun, a greatest national holiday, the teaching staff and students of Kim Chaek University of Technology held various sports and amusement games at the gym and playground on April 15.
The teaching staff competed in group running, mass rhythmic exercise and health-promoting Taekwon-Do in the playground.
In these team competitions, contestants fully demonstrated their sense of organization and unity.
There were final matches of volleyball, table tennis, tennis, badminton, janggi (Korean chess) and yut (four-stick game) of teaching staff at the gym.
The IT Institute took the first place, the College of Mechanical Science and Technology finished runner-up and Distance Education College came third in the total rankings.
The teaching staff’s competition was followed by students’ final matches. In the events of tug-of-war, volleyball, basketball, table tennis and other sports and amusement games, players showed high techniques they had honed through ordinary training and heated up cheering atmosphere, thus adding more to the competitive spirit of the contestants.
The College of Information Science and Technology topped the total rankings, followed by the College of Mechanical Science and Technology and the Materials Engineering Faculty.
Jo Apr 14, 2018
As Merited Scientist, associate professor, PhD and head of the Institute of Electric Power System, he rendered distinguished services in a research to develop and introduce the Korean-style wagon-type high speed lift control and management system for the Masikryong Ski Resort.
He resolved key problems arising in its development above anybody else to ensure further success and led other researchers to carrying out their tasks by dint of self-development and in the spirit of collectivism. His research team, who always regarded it as their iron rule to complete assigned tasks on the highest level, developed the system flawlessly to enhance the stability and reliability of ski lift.
They also updated the card-based management and operation system of the Masikryong Ski Resort to ensure the correctness and promptness of management and operation and gave satisfactory solutions to other problems arising in its operation.
The respected Comrade
In recognition of his laudable deeds performed for a research to apply the power load management system with provinces, cities and counties in the country as a unit, Chairman
Jo Apr 14, 2018
A celebratory performance prepared by the teaching staff and students of Kim Chaek University of Technology was given at the university gym on April 13 in the run-up to the Day of the Sun, one of the greatest national holidays.
The performance started with chorus Let’s Sing of the Day of the Sun, with profound reverence for President
In narration and chorus General
Dialogic poem The President and Kim Chaek University of Technology, female vocal quintet We Sing Our Motherland Holding the President in High Esteem, and chorus Eternal Smile touched the heartstrings of the audience as they mirrored the ardent yearning for the President who had always attached importance to the university and lighted up the course ahead of the university in every period and stage of the developing revolution.
Chorusing song Glory to General
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