Jo Apr 14, 2019

On the occasion of the Day of the Sun, the most auspicious national holiday, celebration performance of the teaching staff and students was staged on Apr.13.

It started with chorus Let’s Sing of the Day of the Sun amidst the boundless reverence to the great President Kim Il Sung, father of socialist Korea and the sun of mankind, meandering inside the hall.

Female vocal 5 ensemble, an immortal classic work Nostalgia, chorus, an immortal classic work Song of Anti-Japanese War and male chorus Song of Loyalty, sincerely sang the President who accomplished immortal achievements and precious revolutionary life for the nation and revolution, the era and history for a long time with his prominent idea and leadership since he set out on the road of revolution at his young age

Dialogic poem President and Kim Chaek University of Technology, female vocal five ensemble There is No Man in the World who is Equal to President Kim Il Sung and chorus Ode to Marshal Kim Il Sung depicting the earnest yearning for the President who had always attached importance to Kim Chaek University of Technology and illuminated its bright future, touched heartstrings of the audience hard.

Chorusing the song Glory to General Kim Jong Un showing the iron will of the teaching staff and students to invariably trust and follow the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un only, who is exalting the dignity of our country in the eyes of the world holding high the lofty idea of the great leaders, the whole audience made firm resolutions to glorify this year with brilliant successes in the education and science.