In recent years, it has become a pressing issue in practice to modernize the fish quick-freezing process and increase its productivity in keeping with the huge increase in the catch. The main objective of increasing the amount of quick-freezing production is to automate, streamline and control the quick-freezing process on a high level, along with the use of high-performance quick-freezing equipment. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine appropriate design parameters of a lifting up-down machine (LUDM) for quick-freezing.
So far, there have been many studies on LUDM. At present, machines for transshipping mushroom substrate cases are in use in mushroom farms and LUDMs are used for tiles and roofing tiles in the building materials industry. LUDM for fish quick-freezing has two guide pillars, which involves tipping risk during operation.
Pak Myong Nam, a researcher at the Robotics Institute, has modeled LUDM for fish quick-freezing on SolidWorks, carried out a stability analysis by ADAMS, and determined the design parameters by the quality engineering technique.
Thus, he ensured high accuracy and automation of LUDM, which improved the quality and hygienic safety of fish quick-freezing, saved a lot of labor and realized the automation of the overall fish quick-freezing process.
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