Jo Sep 25, 2018

International Conference on the 70th Founding anniversary of Kim Chaek University of Technology was held on Sep. 19 and 20.

More than 130 academic presentations of great value substantially conducive to the development of science and technology and social progress of mankind have been made in this conference held on the theme of “integration of education, scientific research and production”.

The opening ceremony was on in the Sci-tech Complex on Sep. 19. Present there were Kim Sung Du, chairman of the Education Commission, Hong So Hon, president of Kim Chaek University of Technology, officials, professors, researchers and postgraduates of the university, delegations and delegates from different universities, research institutes and organizations from several foreign countries including Kiril Golokvast, vice-president of Far East Federal University, Wang Xun Lian, vice-president of China University of Geology, compatriot scientists overseas and the delegation of Korean University, Chongryon.

Hong So Hon, president of Kim Chaek University of Technology delivered the opening address. He expressed his gratitude to the foreign scholars, scientists from different universities and scientific research institutions of the world and Korean scientists living abroad.

He said the participants would have profound discussions on scientific and technological successes and experiences and activate exchange and cooperation that could contribute to the development of science and education, which is the basis of state building and an important criterion for determining the strength of a nation.

Expressing his expectation for this conference to mark a significant turn in further developing exchange between KUT and many foreign educational and scientific research institutions, he declared the opening of the conference.

Kim Sung Du, chairman of the Education Commission and then Wang Xun Lian, vice-president of China University of Geosciences, gave congratulatory speeches.

The International Conference was held in the E-library of Kim Chaek University of Technology(KUT) in 6 separate sections. They were Geoscience & Mining, Metal and Material engineering, Machinery and Energy, Information communication and Automatic control, Measurement and Analysis, Information science sections. Many valuable presentations aroused interest in this conference, especially those such as “Data-Space Cross-Gradient Joint Inversion of Multiple Geophysical Data”, “Principles of Formation of Underground Transport Systems of Megacities”, “Gain-Phase Type Robust Control Theory”, “Real Time Object Detection from Infrared Image Using Ring Filter”, “Cooperative Industrial Partner Robot System for Handling Heavy Mechanical Parts in Assembly Lines”, “Determining Reasonable Correcting Planes for Balancing of Flexible Rotors”.

The Conference was closed in the Sci-tech complex on Sep. 20.

The international conference served as an important event for further developing scientific exchange and cooperation between universities, research institutions and organizations over the world.

During the conference Kim Chaek University of Technology threw a party to welcome participants to the international conference.

Also, participants visited Mangyongdae and several places in Pyongyang including International Friendship Exhibition House and KUT scientists’ residential area in Mirae Scientists’ Street.