Jo Jan 15, 2019
The research group with Doc. Associate Prof. Ri Jae Myong, head of Department of the Resources Probing Engineering Faculty as the project leader developed to complete a diamond crown and succeeded in realizing it as products.
They made success in the lab research on the diamond crown which is used as the rock crushing tools in the field of drilling. Not satisfied with this, they conducted the test of performance and introduction on several occasions in several sites including the construction sites of power stations to solve scientific and technological problems that can increase the length and speed of drilling to a great extent as compared with the imported ones.
By dint of their efforts, they can be able to firmly ensure the production of the diamond crown at home which was formerly relied on import.
Jo Dec 14, 2018
Industrial Water Analyzer developed by scientists of Electronic sensor and device Lab including Kim Kum Chol, the section chief of Faculty of Electronics, is taking a great effect in several fields of the national economy.
They developed various kinds of sensors whose technical indices like precision, speed, band and temperature are on a high level and newly completed the circuit design of water analyzer and its analyzing program with their own efforts.
Also they made it possible to connect to the computer anywhere and under any circumstances and established the process for serial production.
The analyzer can make real-time measurements of pH value, oxygen and ion concentration, electrical conduction, oxidation-reduction potential, temperature, etc. all at once and control various water indices automatically in combination with computer.
Jo Dec 13, 2018
Scientists of various units of the university including the Faculty of Automation Engineering, the Institute of Electric Power Systems, the Faculty of Electronics made a great success in realizing the integrated automation system of salt production process with underground saline water.
They exactly developed and established process management program, remote control program, history management program, single phase and overcurrent protection system and light load observation system by investigating the operation stateof water pumping motors arranged in a great number of salt fields, density of evaporating pond and crystallization pond and waterline of catchment area in detail.
By doing so they enabled to put production and management on a higher level, producing a great amount of high-quality salt with less labour and time.
Jo Dec 12, 2018
Ri Yong Ho, the section chief of Ship Engineering Lab and other colleague researchers of the Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering designed and made a new plastic fishing boat of high economic efficiency.
This Lab has designed and built the plastic fishing boat which is becoming the global trend with a lighter tonnage, less fuel consumption and longer life than iron ships and wood ships in consonance with the realities of our country by dint of our own strength and technology, thus greatly contributed to the development of the country’s shipbuilding industry.
Jo Dec 1, 2018
The 2018 National Sci-Tech Exhibition in the Field of Nano Technology was held at Nano Engineering Institute affiliated to the State Academy of Sciences from Nov. 19 to Nov. 23.
The exhibition was attended by teachers, researchers, postgraduates and officials from scores of units including
Presented to the exhibition, divided into sections of nano measurement and theory department, nano industry and medical department, were a great deal of sci-tech successes and heard 80-odd papers.
A lot of proposals like “Water and Waste-Water Purification System using Nano Compound Material Ozone Generator and Micro Bubble Producer” from the Research Institute of Nano Physics Engineering and “Study on the Manufacture of Nano Aluminium by Chemical Method” from the Faculty of Materials Engineering were highly praised, making KUT selected as one of the top units.
Jo Nov 17, 2018
IT successes and products presented by several units including IT Research Institute of Kim Chaek University of Technology were highly appreciated in the 2018 national exhibition of IT successes held in the Three-Revolution Exhibition House from Oct. 15 to 19.
On display there were more than 500 IT successes and products presented by committees, ministries, national institutions, scientific and educational institutions, industrial establishments and IT units. It was held in the forms of exhibition, introduction of new products and presentation of new technologies, and exchange and service of IT.
A lot of significant IT products including software product propagation and protection system, technology of face identification by deep-neural network(심층신경망), and school education level evaluation system presented by several units including IT Research Institute of Kim Chaek University of Technology were highly praised by participants and visitors. Thus this institute was selected as one of the ten top IT enterprises of 2018 at the exhibition again this year.
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